I was a 'Bobby on the Beat' in Wellingborough back in the 80's. I rose in rank to become a Senior Police Officer and an International Law Enforcement Consultant.
During the first covid lockdown I worked at my Mum's care home just so I could see her. Working on the 'High Dependency Floor' I nursed several people with covid. Sadly we lost 4 of the 14 on my floor to covid in those brutal first months.
As a Board member of Northamptonshire Carers (based in Wellingborough) I am heavily involved in the community.
I also still work at my mum's care home as 'bank staff' in whatever role they need from kitchen assistant to maintenance.
Northamptonshire has been in the National News for Sleaze, Scandal and Nepotism.
I am standing because I am sick of it.
I am not a Politician - But I do understand them.
I am SELF FUNDING so not beholden to anyone.
Both the Conservative and Labour candidates have long shopping lists of what they plan to do but neither have noticed that the supermarket is on fire!
Both the Police and Fire Chiefs are either suspended or under investigation.
A commissioner that has been forced to stand down after a series of scandals.
Morale is at an all time low. You just need to speak to the officers, the Police Federation and Fire Brigade Union.
Putting the fire out in the supermarket should be the priority!!!!
Failed Inspections:
In 2019 Northants Police failed the HMI Inspection. In 2023 the inspection found that the Northants Police were not meeting 999 or non urgent response times. The 'Investigation of Crime' scored red and 'Required Improvement'.
These are two of the most basic and fundamental functions of policing!
Scandal and Sleaze:
Stephen Mold has brought the Integrity and morale of the Police and Fire Services to an all time low.
The constant scandals and sleaze covered by the national press have been an embarrassment to our Northamptonshire Officers and public alike. (see section below)
Failure of Due Diligence:
The one major task of a Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner is to appoint a chief Officer with due diligence. Yet he has failed this task.
At one stage the Fire service has had 3 Chiefs appointed within 1 month. Two of these Fire Chiefs were appointed with no fire fighting experience.
Chief Constable Adderley was appointed, retired then reappointed. He is now suspended and under investigation. The commissioner Stephen Mold had two opportunities to exercise due diligence, yet failed both times. (see section below)
Empire Building:
Commissioner Mold takes approx 7,000,000 Million pounds straight off the top of the police and fire budget.
Notable are:
A total review of all spending is required!
Introduce 'Competitive Tendering' to get best value for money. In-source some functions so public money does not go to private companies.
Place more money at the front end of policing not on 'pet projects' and "empire building".
Enable and support local youth groups, sports clubs, schools, art groups to engage youth.
let it be community led.
Plough more money into front line policing to improve response times and early investigation.
I won't lie .... it will be a mammoth task to turn around after the Northants Police and Fire have been dragged through countless public scandals.
They need a person with integrity that they can trust
Select a Fire Chief who has practical fire fighting, incident response experience, so as to gain the respect and authority of the officers they command.
Be a commissioner they can be proud of. Go out on patrol with officers. See what they see. Go out to a fire.
Walk Rushden/Wellingborough/Corby/ N'pton town centres with PCSO's/Special's or Officer's. Lead from the front, Lead by example.
Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner Stephen Mold hired Nicci Marzec (admin at PFCC) to be Fire Chief without any advertising of the post or interviews, just weeks before the biggest fire threat in event: British Grand Prix. She had never served as a fire officer.
Stephen Mold appoints retired police officer Nikki Watson. Once again PFCC Stephen Mold intent on appointing a Chief Fire Officer who doesn't have the necessary experience.
We need our Chief Fire Officer to have practical experience of keeping firefighters and the public safe when responding to fires, floods, and other callouts. The fire Service is entirely separate from the police force and must not be treated as an afterthought.
Northants Police Chief Nick Adderley, twice appointed by Stephen Mold, is suspended and being investigated for C.V. fraud,, wearing someone else's combat medals.
Staffordshire Police are investigating suspended Northants Chief Constable Adderley for allegations of fraud relating to maintenance of police vehicles during his tenure there 2015-2018 as Assistant Chief Constable.
The vote comes ahead of a Police Fire & Scrutiny panel. 'Stephen Mold is still in place despite the calls to quit'. However the scrutiny panel is made up of nine Conservatives and 2 labour and 1 independent. Vote followed party lines.
No Politics in Public Safety!
Liberal Democrats believe that their should not be Party Politics in Policing or Fire
I agree. I have witnessed its influence in the U.S. where Sheriffs, Police Chiefs and Judges are elected. Nepotism, racism, colourism and sexism was rife.
I have unique experience in dealing with dysfunctional public safety organisations.
The Commissioners office is definitely dyfunctional.
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